hi welcome my


this is my "web site" of 2 years. you can learn more about it. OK

i've got lots of things laying around but the place is a bit of a maze; use the map.

i'm currently working on my game; i post devlogs here every once in a while. there's various other infrequent blogs strewn about.

currently listening to: crickets.

recently, i

jan 15

redid index. hoube of leages


jan 13

redid cat comic page (still empty)

centered abt

jan 10

bad dream log

jan 4

index tweaks

jan 1

bad dream log

december receipt

dec 30

music log restyle. i wanna work on it some more but later

also added fave albums from 2024

dec 29

tweaked some font characters

new about page

dec 28

bad dream log

some mobile fixes

dec 26

it's snowing!

dec 25 🎄

blog style tweaks

moved the deploying-neocities tutorial from blog → resources

dec 23

tweaked tunes & arcana pages

dec 22

+ music log page

dec 20

added a tape deck to the index

reurled. webcatz → juneish

dec 19

fixed receipt img srcs

dec 18

tape deck uses selects now. i should add a little dropdown arrow to signify that but whuhh i'll do it later

dec 17

new layout!

some spring cleaning—reorganized & redid pages. see the map to relink.